Let’s play together! A look at board games
“Let's play together! A look at board games”. As the end of the year celebrations are a time for family reunions, this year's exhibit explores the world of board games played on this occasion.
Ancient civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia already played board games, some of which originally had religious or military significance. Considered as intellectual games often involving reflection, board games can also appeal to chance, memory, skill, observation, alertness, common sense ...
The typology of board games has grown over the centuries and decades, as many inventions have allowed various audiences to enjoy a whole panoply of games, in all parts of the world.
In Canada, several board games have been invented and made available to citizens for three centuries. This is the case, for example, with the game of crokinole, the game of table hockey, Trivial Pursuit, etc. This tradition continues today.
The end of the year celebrations being a period of family reunion where board games are often played, this exhibit gives a nod to this fascinating universe and sometimes rich in lessons and personal growth.
Wishing you a great visit!